UPPER FREEHOLD - Jamie Baldanza spent 12 years in advertising as an art or creative director in New York City. She worked with clients on commercial campaigns for TV, the internet, social media and print.
But she quit her corporate life and, for the past three years, has been living her dream on an idyllic 25-acre farm complete with red barns and white fences that dot the gently rolling hills. Six wild horses, four pigs, three sheep and a wild donkey mill about the private animal sanctuary in rural western Monmouth County named Sage Hill Farm.
To read the full article click here.
The horse is our state’s animal.
How appropriate that Monmouth’s own Jamie Baldanza photographs horses professionally and advocates for them passionately. Jamie’s involvement with horses is broad in scope, from documenting the plight of those bound for slaughter, to traveling across the world to Mongolia to cover the ancient endurance races still held today. But Jamie’s affinity for American Wild Mustangs catapulted her art and mission to new heights, culminating in the release this summer of the documentary, Wild Lands, Wild Horses, recognized in nine film festivals including a win at the Monmouth Film Festival. With fellow advocate Deb Lee Carson and a film crew, Jamie hiked and camped throughout America’s western public lands to track elusive Mustang herds and to get answers about their well-being and plans for their care. Jamie shares how a young horse-obsessed girl, became a photographer, director, co-writer, and co-star of a film series championing American Wild Mustangs. Click to Read More.
‘Taking Back the West:’ A Comprehensive Examination of the Wild Horse & Burro Crisis
It’s difficult to cover an emotionally-loaded topic such as the wild horse and burro crisis without narrowing one’s focus to a certain agenda — but Jamie Baldanza’s 'Taking Back the West' project might be the breath of fresh perspective we all need.
To read the article click here.
You can find wild horses and burros living right here in Jersey
I am so incredibly excited o be featured on NJ.com. I want to thank them personally for helping getting the word out about wild horses!
*In the statement talking about "an overpopulated, resource-depleted environment" in some HMAs I would say this is true but there are some that are also very well managed.
To watch the video click here.
Best special focus documentary
The Best Special Focus Documentary Award winner was Wild Lands Wild Horses directed by Jamie Baldanza. This documentary tells the story of America’s wild horses. While some still roam free thousands have been gathered and held in government facilities with little hope of adoption.
There is no such thing as a coincidence. I believe everything happens for a reason, and life brings us together in mysterious ways. Last fall I attended the 2018 Equus Film Festival in New York City to represent my bestselling book, Confessions of a Timid Rider which was up for an award. On Saturday morning, I participated in the panel on adventure rides, which was incredibly fun. Not only did I learn about rides other than The Gobi Desert Cup, which I represented, but also get to talk about my own life-altering experience! Click to Read More.
Wild Lands Wild Horses Plays at Soho Film Festival
The pilot episode of “Wild Lands Wild Horses” documentary series is an official selection of this year’s prestigious Soho Film Festival, October 15th thru the 22nd.
New Jersey Photographer Travels The World To Film Horses For A Cause
Jamie Baldanza, a wild mustang advocate, equine photographer, and filmmaker is using her talents to better the lives of horses. Click to read more.
Combining beautiful cinematography with expert interviews, Wild Lands Wild Horses seeks to tell the story of America’s wild horses. The award-winning pilot episode of the docuseries, Wild Lands Wild Horses, has been released on YouTube for all to watch.
To Keep the West Wild: New Docuseries Explores the Endangered Lives of America’s Wild Horses
Combining beautiful cinematography with expert interviews, Wild Lands Wild Horses seeks to tell the story of America’s wild horses. Click to read.
Wild Lands Wild Horses" Focuses On The Plight Of America's Mustangs
Jamie Baldanza is a photographer and director who cares deeply for horses—especially wild ones. She loves them not only for their beauty, but also because she knows just how much is at stake for them. These voiceless creatures are having their lands stripped away from them, and are being ripped away from their herds in staggering numbers. A land which was once theirs to roam free is vanishing faster than they can run. Click To Read More.
Wild Lands Wild Horses” Pilot Episode Wins Awards from IndieFEST Film Awards
Jamie Baldanza and Deb Lee Carson recently won two prestigious Awards of Merit from the IndieFEST Film Awards for their docuseries “Wild Lands Wild Horses”. The exciting docuseries creates a greater awareness and understanding of the delicate balance our remaining wild/public lands are faced with. NW Horse Source